Ladies & Gents
Thursday Night Bike Ride
Meetup at 6:15pm and Rolling by 6:35pm on Thursday Nights
Dog Haus in Claremont - Find more information on Facebook
FB Group Name - Ladies & Gents Cycling Group
"B" Ride is 23 miles & "A" ride is 25 Mile Ride with 1,000 ft of gradual climbing
Join us for a Casual / Conversational
Paced Ride filled with Fun and friends
This is a fairly flat ride w/ gradual climbs. This is a road ride that covers 25 or 25 miles. We start at Dog Haus in Claremont and ride to Covina before we headback to - Dog Haus.
We have both and A & B Group. The B group rolls at 635pm sharp with the A's rolling at 640pm.
B group average speed is between 13-15 mph for 23 miles.
We work very hard to keep the B group together for the entire route
The A Group travels just a bit further at 25 miles. Average speed for the A's is between 15-18mph average.
There are 3 main Regroups along both routes
The ride is mostly flat with 1-2% incline/declines along the route. This ride has many long straight sections, so feel free to stretch those legs. The 4 major roads traveled are Baseline-Foothill / Badillo Ave / Cienaga Ave and Bonita Avenue. Most roads have very generous shoulders.
Since this is a night ride - HEADLIGHTS and TAILLIGHTS are Mandatory. High visibility clothing is recommended and Helmets are mandatory. Click on Strava Link below for downloadable Route Sheet / Cue Sheet


Every Thursday Evening
Ride - Meets 6:15pm and "B" Group Rolls at 6:35pm.
The "A Group will roll just 5 minutes later at 6:40pm

Dog Haus - 2209 Baseline Rd, # 700 Claremont, CA 91711
In the Whole Foods Complex - next to Corky's Restaurant

Schedule of events:
6:35pm - Ride" Rolls from Dog Haus / Biergarten in Claremont
We are usually back by 8:15 to 8:30pm
Post Ride Drinks / Food at the the Dog Haus.
Lot's of other food options nearby, as well.